7th Day: Faith gives us courage to ask
“If you have faith and do not waver,
even if you say to this mountain:
‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea’, it will be done.
Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive” (Mt 21:21).
O Father! You are always attentive to the prayers of your children. Whenever Saint Joseph Allamano needed something from you, he always showed an indomitable kind of perseverence. He teaches us that, “In order to obtain favors from you, we must ask with much faith, with the audacity and the trust that perform miracles”. He encourages us with these words: “Courage, my children, and always go forward in the Lord!” Stimulated by his teaching, we turn to you, and we are sure that you will listen with loving care. Through the intercession of your faithful servant, grant us the favor we now ask for…
In the name of all persons of good will, we ask you to assemble from the east and from the west your dispersed children, and have them sit at the table of your Kingdom (See Mt 8:11). Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Saint Joseph Allamano, pray for us!