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Novena to Saint Joseph Allamano - Fourth Day

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4th Day: Let us trust in God without fear

Father ever faithful to your Promises! Blessed Joseph Allamano always entrusted himself to you who are the loving Father of all your creatures. He summons us to “Put everything into your hands with no fear whatsoever because, he tells us, you never do things half-way”, and that you never disappoint your children who hope in you. Fired up by this hope, and certain that you never leave our supplications unanswered, we entrust ourselves entirely to you. Through the intercession of your faithful servant, we confidently ask you for the following favor…

In communion with the whole missionary Church, we ask that Your Only Son whom you sent to save the world (See John 3:17) be accepted by all people as the Good Shepherd, and that soon there may be on earth only one fold under the guidance of one Shepherd (see John 10:6

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Saint Joseph Allamano, pray for us!


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Consolata Missionary Sisters is an international religious congregation, founded in Turin on 29 January 1910 by Saint Joseph Allamano, we serve the Church in the mission of first proclamation of the Gospel to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ, the true consolation of the Father.

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