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Feast of St. Joseph Allamano in Kenya

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This feast of this year was very special in a way, the first moment to celebrate our Father founder as a Saint. Thank you lord, we lack enough words to express our joy.

Sr Lucy Karweru, Sr Angelina Njagi and Sr Rebecca Kemunto joined Saint Joseph Allamano Propadeutic formation House in celebration of the great feast of our father founder.

The day started with brief talks, and welcoming entertainments from the young brothers of Saint Joseph Allamano  formation house. Then Fr Charles Gachara IMC shared his missionary experience of Venezuela. Emphasizing as missionaries following the footsteps of our founding father Saint Joseph Allamano we are called to learn to listen to ourselves first  to be able to listen to God.

 The mission is where our actions are animating the people wherever we are to be missionaries in their way of living.

We should never ever say “I can do what I can ” but always say “I Will do what I am supposed to do.”

After a brief moment of sharing he presided over the Holy mass and co celebrant was Fr Michael Njue.

In his homily and sharing he greatly encouraged us to follow the footsteps of our father founder wherever we are first seeking our sanctity then missionary. Wherever we found ourselves for the missions we should animate God’s people with our way of Living. May Saint Joseph Allamano continue interceding for us.

Then after the celebration of the holy mass the feast continued to the dining hall where we feasted to the maximum, sharing meals, drinks in a very  joyous way.

Immediately it followed cake cutting which marked the climax of our great day of honouring our founder. Various entertainments followed expressing our joy and gratitude for honoring our founding father as a saint.

The sisters from Saint Joseph’s of Tarbes also echoed in their beautiful song of Saint Joseph Allamano. In their song, they congratulated the Consolata missionaries for the good work we are doing in the church continuing with the mission of Allamano.

After various beautiful entertainment it marked our beautiful and memorable day.

Sr Rebecca, mc

We at Flora Hostel Chapel had the great joy to celebrate the feast of St Joseph Allamano on 16th Feb 2025. The preparations began with a nine-day Novena that culminated with the feast on Sunday the 16th.

On this day we had planned to mount the new picture of Saint Joseph Allamano by removing the old one. We engaged in this exercise together with the christians in a solemn manner.  The Mass began with a procession of Priests, altar servers and  two of our Sisters, one carrying the new picture and the other the relic of our Saint Joseph Allamano.

The singing and ullulations were clear that  the presence of our founder was felt. The picture was placed at the designated place and was later mounted on the wall. The celebration of  the Solemn Mass followed that was all full of singing and dancing.

The prayers of the faithful were in different languages to signify the diversity of the people in the Church. The celebration took place both in the First and the Second  Mass.

Sr Rosa Waeni MC

We are fortunate to belong to a parish named after St. Joseph Allamano.

The Feast was celebrated in the level of an Outstation bearing the name of Our Beloved Saint Joseph Allamano. The Parish is under our brothers Priests, Consolata Missionaries. The Saint is at home in the presence of His Sons and Daughters.

The preparations began three days before with a Triduum prior to the feast day. These three days were accompanied with prayers and teachings on Saint Joseph Allamano.

On the feast day, there was a joint Mass as the Outstation is characterized by two masses on every Sunday.

The celebration of the Mass presided by the Parish Priest was significant, he shared with the faithful on the Patience of St. Joseph Allamano who waited for God’s time both when he was alive and also after his death.

The new picture of the Saint was mounted on the right side of the altar replacing the old one. The Mass was solemn in nature, christians were full of joy as they celebrated the first feast day of their Patron Saint.

The celebration was accompanied by singing and dancing that lasted for not less than 3 hrs. After mass followed the second part in the parish hall. This was a moment of speeches from different leaders,  listening to the biography of St Joseph Allamano from Sr. Mourine MC and then cake cutting and sharing. At last there was lunch and thereafter each one was free to leave.

Sr. Mourine MC

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Consolata Missionary Sisters is an international religious congregation, founded in Turin on 29 January 1910 by Saint Joseph Allamano, we serve the Church in the mission of first proclamation of the Gospel to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ, the true consolation of the Father.

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Called by the Holy Spirit to share in the Charism, God’s gift to Father Founder, we offer our life to Christ forever, in the mission ad gentes,
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