Understand well this mystery of Jesus' love for you! What friend will welcome you with affection, indeed with ardent desire every time you can come to visit him. Jesus becomes food for your souls. Jesus is a victim for you: every day and several times he will sacrifice himself on this altar for you.
He will form you in all the virtues, and he will kindle in you that fire which he has come to bring to earth, and which through you he wants to kindle in souls
Jesus my Lord, make me entirely yours, make me capable of ignoring my ambitions, the charm of useless things, make me yours, yours, yours. Lord, may I see only you, may I live only for you! Then when I speak of you I will pass you on, I will communicate you, my life will take you to my brothers and sisters and I will have been born and lived for something worthwhile: "To bring you, the true joy to the world". Jesus, listen to me, listen to me, hear me.
All with Jesus ...
All of Jesus ...
All for Jesus
Nothing for me".
In the photos: Consolata in the world
Called by the Holy Spirit to share in the Charism, God’s gift to Father Founder, we offer our life to Christ forever, in the mission ad gentes,
that is, to non-Christians,
for the proclamation of salvation and consolation.
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