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The mission ad gentes of proclamation to non-Christians
is the charismatic principle of our apostolic action
and is born of a profound relationship with Jesus,
the missionary Son of the Father.

The person

We encourage friendliness and closeness, paying particular attention to individual encounters



through deep listening to the person and to God's original and unrepeatable communication with him.


We promote and carry out those educational and social-welfare activities


that humanize and help to discover and welcome the liberating action of Christ


of the Word and the values of the Kingdom of God is our specific ministry


preparing catechists and accompanying people to the encounter with the Risen Christ


We priorise the commitment to the training and promotion of women in the defense of her rights and dignity


in becoming aware of her identity and of the irreplaceable role that belongs to her.


We welcome with respect the diversity of confessions and religions


We promote intercultural and interreligious coexistence in peace and solidarity.

Justice, peace, ecology

they are transversal elements of the Christian proclamation of our mission.

Justice, peace, ecology

Listening to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor impels us to a true integral conversion.

We participate in the Trinitarian mission of God
who “wants all people to be saved”.
We are open to the action of the Holy Spirit
and totally available to proclaim Christ
with the witness of life, the word and missionary works.

News from the mission


We are present in
Djibouti Ethiopia Guinea Bissau Kenya Liberia Mozambique Tanzania |


Africa: the cradle of our mission

On the African continent, the mission is oriented towards the first proclamation of the Gospel, interreligious dialogue with Islam and with traditional religions. In the mission of first Evangelization, significant relationships of closeness to people are woven daily, which favor the opening of new paths, both with Islam and with traditional religions.

Where the Muslim presence is in the majority, the first proclamation is made with witness of life and charity, thus becoming fragrance of Christ among our Muslim brothers and sisters, but in every reality, God's love is witnessed through human promotion, especially in the area of education and health. In the local Church, the formation of missionary consciousness, proper to every disciple of Jesus, is promoted.

The ember fire is mild, hidden, but it lasts a long time and is used for cooking

Looking at our reality as an Africa Region today, we are this living fire, a gentle, hidden fire – that is, small and humble women who live the Charism in fidelity and perseverance, in continuous self-giving in the Mission.


America: alongside the native peoples

Since the nineties, the presence among the original or native peoples has been given priority. Experience and reflection have shown and increasingly confirmed that ad gentes in America finds its expression in this apostolic option.

The Consolata Missionaries have supported native groups in claiming their rights, denied by nation states and seized by local powers. Over time, the commitment to know the cultures and spiritualities of peoples has been combined with ever more deeply, in a simple, daily dialogue that requires prolonged time and meaningful relationships with the people.

Behold, I am doing something new, now it emerges; can you not see it?

The America Region has confirmed the following as  priority:

  • Presence among the originary peoples;
  • Youth Ministry and Vocational Accompaniment;
  • the care of the elderly and sick Sisters.

With a presence characterized by closeness to the people, in deep union with all the communities of the Continent and of the Institute.


We are present in
Argentina Bolivia Brazil Colombia United States Venezuela |


We are present in
Kazakhstan Mongolia |


Asia: the ad gentes of our century

The arrival in Asia dates back to 2003, as a response to the new frontiers of the ad gentes.

In Asia, ad gentes is the unequivocal horizon of our missionary action. Practically everywhere in the vast territory of Asia, the Church represents a minority that recognises as a seed sown in the great field of Asian cultures, to bear fruit through a simple and as radical a witness as possible to the newness of the Gospel.

Our presence in Asia is in harmony with these choices of sobriety: the first proclamation of the Gospel; human promotion based on simple projects within the reach of the people, in the absence of imposing structures; interreligious dialogue; attention to the cultural and religious heritage of Asian peoples; strong spirituality lived as a way of evangelization.

Asia is a constant call for profundity

The great spiritual traditions of the continent are an invitation to invest heavily in the prayerful and contemplative dimension, in a panorama of daily interreligious confrontation. It is a missionary journey made up of stripping of onself in order to concentrate on the essential, which is not necessarily calculated in numbers and results, but in intensity.


Europe: at the roots of our Charism

For our Institute, Italy is the cradle where we were born: "in Europe there are the places of our spirituality, the heart of the Charism, the Roots of the Institute". These are sacred places, a gift for all the sisters. We are called to keep them alive, to enhance their meaning, to welcome the Consolata Missionaries of any age and affiliation and to offer them times of charismatic deepening and formation.

The elderly and sick sisters live the moment of return, of self surrender, communicating more intimately with Jesus' own surrender. By combining our own with his sufferings, we are involved in the healing process of humanity.

Mission inter gentes

In Europe, today we live the reality of inter gentes: this dimension challenges the Missionary Institutes to find new forms and new styles of being and carrying out mission today. Some of our Presences have become spaces of consolation and closeness for migrants, refugees, women who want to break the chains of abuses and women trafficking. Inserted into the local Church, the sisters animate the Christian communities in a missionary way.


We are present in
Italy Portugal |

Called by the Holy Spirit to share in the Charism, God’s gift to Father Founder, we offer our life to Christ forever, in the mission ad gentes,
that is, to non-Christians,
for the proclamation of salvation and consolation.

Where we are

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