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Consolata Missionary Sisters

An international religious congregation, founded in Turin on 29 January 1910 by Saint Joseph Allamano, we serve the Church in the mission of first proclamation of the Gospel to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ, the true consolation of the Father.

Our Father Founder, in a filial dialogue with Our Lady Consolata (he was rector of the Shrine consecrated to her for 46 years), felt the desire to form missionaries for evangelization and the proclamation of salvation to all peoples.

The fire of the mission

The mission ad gentes – proclamation to non-Christians – is the charismatic principle of our apostolic action and is born
of a profound relationship with Jesus, the missionary Son of the Father (Constitutions, 64)

Formation of the Christian community

We contribute to the growth of the Christian community by collaborating with other pastoral forces in the formation of the laity in the various ministries.

Formation of the Christian community

We pay particular attention to the formation of the family through listening, closeness

Promotion of women

We give priority and commit ourselves to the training and promotion of women.

Promotion of women

We accompany in the defense of their rights and dignity, and, in becoming aware of their identity and the irreplaceable role that belongs to them.

Promotion and defense of life

We promote and carry out those educational and social-welfare activities that humanize

Promotion and defense of life

particularly where life is at risk and fundamental rights are threatened or denied.


We welcome with respect the diversity of confessions and religions and promote a peaceful and supportive intercultural and interreligious coexistence.


When particular situations make it impossible to proclaim Christ explicitly, we bear witness to God's love through generous service of charity.

Our history

The first steps in the Church and in the mission

January 29, 1910Foundation
November 28, 1913 The mission begins
January 30, 1923The horizon widens
March 3, 1924 The dream land!


Jesus in the Eucharist: a fire of love!
Mary Consolata: womb of life!


First proclamation of the Gospel

"They Will Proclaim My Glory to the nations"

Called by the Holy Spirit to share in the Charism, God’s gift to Father Founder, we offer our life to Christ forever, in the mission ad gentes,
that is, to non-Christians,
for the proclamation of salvation and consolation.

Where we are

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